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01305 760817 107 St. Mary St. Weymouth, Dorset, DT4 8NY UK
A Selection Of Spiritual And Symbolic Jewellery
A Selection Of Spiritual And Symbolic Jewellery
Pagan & Spiritual Symbolic Jewellery
Spiritual & Symbolic Jewellery
Spiritual & Symbolic Jewellery
Various Tribal Jewellery
Various Symbolic Jewellery
Tribal Jewellery
Symbolic Jewellery
Pagan & Tribal Jewellery
Bhuddist Jewellery
Spiritual & Symbolic jewellery

Since our beggining we have always catered for the wide ranging belief systems of our customers.

Every year we try to pick up  fresh ranges of Spiritual & Symbolic Jewellery, from  classic Chakra Stoned pendants, Buddhist, Hindu & Taoist jewellery through to the more earthy Celtic, Pagan & wiccan jewellery.

Spiritual Jewellery Dept

Hematised double terminated quartz, side drilled for leather
#crystalsandgemstones #spiritualjewellery #2019 #soonbechristmas

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Amethyst double terminated points, large side drilled hole for leather
#crystalsandgemstones #spiritualjewellery #2019

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Tourmalinated double terminated quartz, side drilled with large hole for leather
#crystalsandgemstones #tourmalinatedquartz #spiritualjewellery #why?

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Merlinite double terminated points, large hole side drilled for leather
#crystalsandgemstones #spiritualjewellery #2019 #merliniteoclock

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Golden healer double terminated quartz points, side drilled with large hole for leather cord etc
#crystalsandgemstones #goldenhealer #spiritualjewellery #2019

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Rose Quartz double terminated points, large side drilled hole for leather cord etc
#crystalsandgemstones #rosequartz #spiritualjewellery #2019

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Tibetan pendants #tibetanpendants #spiritualjewellery #2019 ...

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Tibetan inlaid pendants #tibetanpendants #spiritualjewellery #jewellery #2019 ...

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Beautiful Chakra Gemstone Tree of life pendants! All ready to go onto our leather necklaces 💎

#pendants #spiritualjewellery #pendants #jewellery necklace #Dorset #weymouth #UK #England #shop #shopping #retail #retailtheraphy #gemstone #gemstones #crystals #seaside #new #newstock #swisbest #turquoise #citrine #peridot #amethyst #garnet #treeoflife #gemstonependants

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We`re now stocked back up with these adorable `Green Man` pendants!
#greenman #pendant #jewellery #shop #shopping #retail #weymouth #Dorset #spiritualjewellery #adorable #small #independentbusiness #pagan #charms

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Opening hours as of January 6th 2025 going forward are: Monday - Wednesday shut. Thursday-Sunday 10-4 until Feb half term. Bad weather days may also affect hours, if in doubt please ring.